It could be very painful when one accidentally loses a toenail.In this article, I will be sharing my experience on how I treated a torn nail but first of all, let us examine the possible causes of toenail detachment from its nail bed.
1. Injury
Injury is one of the most common causes of nail removal. Severe injuries can force the nails to tear off from the nail bed. This is common among aesthetes especially ones that do not wear shoes that are not roomy enough. Stubbing the toe continuously might create a cumulative effect on the nail bed; compromising its rigidity.
2. Chemicals
Chemicals such as nail polish can cause the weakening of the nail bed
3. Severe illness
Sadly, when a nail is detached for whatever reason, it can not be reattached. A new nail will grow to replace it. The growth rate for toenail is slower than the fingernail. It takes about 18 months and 6 months for the toenail and fingernail to grow back respectively.
The following are the remedies to broken nails:
1 Prevention is always the best cure. Always keep the nails trimmed and filed to smoothen the edges. This will reduce the risk of exposing the nails to impeding dangers like being caught or ripped off from its bed.
2 If the nail is not completely detached from its bed but torn or broken, you can cut off the broken part from the whole or have it totally removed from its bed. The pain could be severe and ugly while removing the nail so care should be taken to avoid tearing the skin off with the nail. If you decide to all. If you decide to leave the nail alone instead of detaching it, it will eventually fall off as a new nail growth will push it off.
Using the scissors
Use a scissors if you must remove the partly attached nail completely and afterwards, soak the finger or toe in cold water for 20 minutes. Apply an antibiotic ointment on the toe or finger and cover with an adhesive tape to keep them protected while the new nail is growing.
After a nail has been removed, the toe or the finger will be exposed to infections. To prevent further catastrophe, always observe the following best practices:
1.Soak the finger or toe in salted water two times daily for 3 consecutive days. The water should be a solution of 5g of salt and a liter of water. After each exercise, always reapply the antibiotic ointment and cover with adhesives.
2.Always keep the toe or finger dry. Change the adhesives once you notice any wetness.
3.Keep applying the adhesives until the nail bed has become firm and new nail growth is noticed.
4.Watch out for any sign of infection such as soreness, redness and weakening of the skin region. It
is advised you report to your doctor if the infection escalates.
Nail loss can be prevented through proper pedicure and manicure which involve trimming the nails and smoothing the edges. If eventually nail loss occurs either by accident or through fungi, the affected toe or finger should be properly treated to avoid further degeneration of the situation. Endeavor to see your doctor if the situation escalates.
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